Forms can be printed on regular paper or NCR (No Carbon Required) - a type of paper that allows signatures and writing on the top sheet to transfer to the other pages without using carbon paper. NCR can come in two parts, three parts or four parts and comes in multiple sizes - 8 ½ by 11 (letter size), 8 ½ by 14 (legal size), 8 ½ by 5 ½ (half page size) or any custom size you desire.
We have experience printing forms for medical offices, contractors, invoicing, estimating and more. These forms can be bound in a book (coil or perfect bound), have holes punched or be customized in any way you desire.
Forms can also be printed on standard white paper or colored paper that we can help you choose from our various samples available (many offices we work with color code their forms for ease). You can send us your forms in a Word, Excel, Powerpoint or PDF (preferred) file and we will print your form exactly as you have designed them or we can take your file and design it in a format that suits you.